Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stockholm, april 2011

Nope. The colours are alright. No cheating.
And she was riding a bike...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trocadero, Paris - november 2009

I have to bring in a few old favorites as well, in order to get this show on the road. From time to time, I will post old pictures as well, as the flow of portraits from the streets may be less than steady.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Odengatan, Stockholm

Odengatan, Stockholm, april 2011

Odengatan, Stockholm

Odengatan, Stockholm, april 2011

The first entry

A while ago a friend gave me a tip about the Sartorialist and how he made himself a name shooting fashion images of people in the streets. She insisted I be inspired by it, and make myself a name doing something similar. Faces is what I like. Faces is my speciality. So...

Let's see. Here goes. Portraits of People. The faces of the streets.

Odengatan, Stockholm April 2011